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I am not prepared to face death yet.

Started by 老曾记, May 23, 2024, 11:06 PM

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Quote from: luckyapple on May 24, 2024, 08:41 PMI understand, I also brought him to many appointments and to boonkeng hawker to eat quite often nowadays. Started playing mahjong with him 2 weeks ago, a game that he enjoyed very much. Just now told him come back soon and played mahjong again.

the other elders in my extended family told me, just let him do what he wants, eat what he likes, go where he feels like

the night before he left, we went to celebrate fathers day with him, the food we bought him still in the house but at least we know we spent as much time as possible with him
mY wIfE iS a sEX oBjEct, eVerYtImE i aSk fOR seX, sHe ObjEcTs!


Quote from: Bardiel on May 24, 2024, 10:39 PMwhen u r at my stage. u will embrace death  :look:

Bardiel kor how r u?
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Can understand how u feel. It's a very scary thought and a very bad feeling when someone close passes away. Stay strong sis


Quote from: luckyapple on May 24, 2024, 11:23 PMBardiel kor how r u?


still doing "ok". waiting for the transplant committee to approve the transplant.

mentally and physically sibeh shag liao. mah jiam living on the edge


Quote from: Bardiel on May 25, 2024, 11:00 AMharlow.

still doing "ok". waiting for the transplant committee to approve the transplant.

mentally and physically sibeh shag liao. mah jiam living on the edge

I get what u mean bro. Jia you jia you.


Quote from: Tony.Manero on May 25, 2024, 10:24 AMCan understand how u feel. It's a very scary thought and a very bad feeling when someone close passes away. Stay strong sis

Thank you Tony kor. I drop many hair recently


Quote from: Bardiel on May 25, 2024, 11:00 AMharlow.

still doing "ok". waiting for the transplant committee to approve the transplant.

mentally and physically sibeh shag liao. mah jiam living on the edge

U have family members supporting u?
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Only money is real


Quote from: default on May 25, 2024, 12:31 PMU have family members supporting u?

actually only my gf.

as per 1 of my thread at the housing sub forum, i disowned my dad as of 2 years ago. so ya. kinda shag hanging on.

anyway for those who think of death or etc. i just want to say don go and think so much. enjoy every single moment and don regret


Quote from: Bardiel on May 25, 2024, 01:05 PMactually only my gf.

as per 1 of my thread at the housing sub forum, i disowned my dad as of 2 years ago. so ya. kinda shag hanging on.

anyway for those who think of death or etc. i just want to say don go and think so much. enjoy every single moment and don regret

Rly pointless to think. But we often cant stop ourselves from thinking

Im more of worrier more so than others but lets try to think less
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Quote from: default on May 25, 2024, 05:56 PMRly pointless to think. But we often cant stop ourselves from thinking

Im more of worrier more so than others but lets try to think less

u can worry for something if u can change the outcome

if the outcome cannot be changed. don go and worry. Always look on the bright side of life. even though coming from a half past dead person like me  :s13:


Quote from: Bardiel on May 25, 2024, 06:29 PMu can worry for something if u can change the outcome

if the outcome cannot be changed. don go and worry. Always look on the bright side of life. even though coming from a half past dead person like me  :s13:

u know hor recently i went to a bazi master. he said i am a worrier and i can foresee things quite zhun. but since i cant change the outcome it makes it worse. then he says people look to me for confidence and support, yet when they fix their issues liao they nv care about me (in terms of job and other things)

very true. if positive wise i see ppty or stock will go up, no money to buy also lan lan
if negative u foresee something will happen but u cant prevent it also lan lan

all the above quite true... some of all these fengshui/bazi more of confirming my thoughts... he told me to be positive and confident then can help others and myself

i think ure mentally stronger than me for sure, jiayou, we will support u. feel free to msg or anything if u need help!


chiu all should really face this thing..

prepare next step.. ask them prepare photo
ask them wat they prefer scatter . put in urn or put in temple etc

here should also can discuss how much is the package and compare price

discuss with them wat to do when really pass on.

can discuss here asl well

compare package, which undertaker better, etc

have to deal with it one day, might as well do what they prefer if they still here so  can ask them
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In my experience in nursing, there are generally 4 kinds of deaths

Sudden death
This is the one that can drive people crazy.  One moment your loved one is watching tv and then suddenly look at you and keel over and die.  This one is the most traumatic.  Suicides can also be here. No one can prepare for it

Sudden long term death
Means the same scenario as above but the person got revived and suffered a while in icu before dying.  It's also traumatic but people can learn to let go

Death by illness*
Let's say cancer.  There will be a long time before the death so unlike the previous two scenarios, there is adequate time for acceptance and closure.  Usually it's not so bad. 

The "happy death"
Weirdly I encountered this one.  I mean as I understood the situation I kind of understood but it felt weird.  Someone was over 100 years old when she passed and the family was like "happy".  Maybe cos she lived to 100 years old already so it was a blessing, I don't know but I kind of understood why they were "happy" but still felt weird

*there was one case of death by illness that kind of haunted me for a while.  The patient was a foreigner and as he deteriorated, he kept saying he wanted to go home to his family but his family was uncontactable (they lived in a village) and the embassy couldn't help.  This was decades ago when not many things were online.  He died alone and the last few words he spoke to me before my shift ended (he died during the next shift) was that he wanted to go home

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