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63% of resident PMET growth from 2014 to 2024 from local-born Singaporeans: Tan

Started by default, Mar 08, 2025, 04:06 PM

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SINGAPORE – Locally born Singapore citizens made up the bulk, or 63 per cent, of the growth in the number of residents with professional, managerial, executive or technical (PMET) jobs from 2014 to 2024.

Disclosing the figure in Parliament on March 7, Minister for Manpower Tan See Leng said that many naturalised Singaporeans and permanent residents who count towards the overall figure of 382,000 in that period are married to local-born Singaporeans as well.

"I really hope we should not keep harping on an us-versus-them mentality because Singapore is a largely immigrant nation. We are all here because we love this country," Dr Tan added in his reply to questions from Non-Constituency MP Leong Mun Wai.

Dr Tan was speaking during the debate on the Ministry of Manpower's budget, which lasted for close to five hours over two days starting on March 6, with 22 MPs rising to speak.

In the latest exchange, Mr Leong had asked about the displacement of existing resident PMETs by work pass holders who took up permanent residency.

Though Dr Tan expressed openness to exploring other statistics that could clarify the issue, he also said Mr Leong had been persistently harping on the division between foreign-born Singapore citizens and locally born Singapore citizens.

"My father, and I'm pretty sure Mr Leong's father also, were not local-born Singapore citizens – and I benefited from here, just as (Mr Leong) has. We both want to do our best to serve our country."

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Only money is real


new citizens and PRs are foreigners

that is a fact

none of them are interested in integrating into our society

i dare the govt to depreciate the SGD, see how many new citizens and PRs will rush out of SG immediately
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