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Wa 1.24m non locals not even counting in PRs

Started by default, Jul 11, 2024, 11:08 AM

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Quote from: Shiori on Jul 11, 2024, 08:11 PMPRs, new citizens and all other foreigners should be taxed heavily, triple the current income taxes

no la seriously go read again and be logical... im asking for ur professional advice since u are in accting/tax

u triple it doesnt make sense

u triple for new citizens doesnt make sense

but if out of a PR couple, only 1 become sinkie then u know they are leechers. u can give a bit of subsidy but not too much

if both convert to sinkies then deserve more grants rebates etc....... in this case i support even if they are new citizens

but maybe u are right also, depends on how long they have been singapore citizens, maybe a tiered thing like if they stay here as SG citizens more than 15 yrs then we give them full citizenship rights, grants, tax rebates

otherwise, even PRCs or indians come here game us then jump to US EU OZ

u say triple their taxes all these doesnt quite make sense at all lah


i read from here got write some percentages but i thought u are more aware
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Only money is real



i do accounting not tax.

tax, like external audit and internal audit, by itself is a niche area within larger accounting field
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Quote from: Shiori on Jul 11, 2024, 08:39 PMoh.

i do accounting not tax.

tax, like external audit and internal audit, by itself is a niche area within larger accounting field

i see........ the jhb my ex tenant did tax

u see wah, no sinkies want to do huh, need to find foreigner to teach us abt taxes

Banned User

Quote from: default on Jul 11, 2024, 08:03 PMentrenched my lj la.......... they got no where to run to for now. sg is the best for 1:3.5

indo and elsewhere worse off. vietnam and china etc also worse off for now unless is businessmen. if is businessmen right then we want to attract

but jhk are the most cb and smartest to game us. they wont ever invest in sg, unless is scammers and cheaters and MLMers

Australia also not good for them to run to now coz AUD went down against SGD and it's so much further

basically if u tax them heavily now they got no choice but lan lan pay up because theres NOWHERE else to run to, that's why so many vehicles all jiuhu plates!

you tax individuals (employees, not msian or foreign employers), what are they going to do? they can only suck up and less money to spend

best time now to up the rates also and make sure they pay fines and charge more

govt can also make them pay more for HDB to make prices come down. u know a lot of these fuckers are speculating and finding ways to scam/skim singaporeans right?

What's wrong with making more money? u can keep makaning sinkies but cannot eat foreigners and PRs?

if they are really sincere and entrenched both should become Singaporeans, not 1 only

The jhk/jhb entrenchment is Not the kind where our ancestors come and settle down in sg and call sg their home. It's the locust infestation kind of entrenchment rah.
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Quote from: default on Jul 11, 2024, 08:40 PMi see........ the jhb my ex tenant did tax

u see wah, no sinkies want to do huh, need to find foreigner to teach us abt taxes

sg is a joke la. everything also singaporeans cannot do, not qualified etc must get foreigners to do.
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Banned User

Quote from: default on Jul 11, 2024, 08:03 PMentrenched my lj la.......... they got no where to run to for now. sg is the best for 1:3.5

indo and elsewhere worse off. vietnam and china etc also worse off for now unless is businessmen. if is businessmen right then we want to attract

but jhk are the most cb and smartest to game us. they wont ever invest in sg, unless is scammers and cheaters and MLMers

Australia also not good for them to run to now coz AUD went down against SGD and it's so much further

basically if u tax them heavily now they got no choice but lan lan pay up because theres NOWHERE else to run to, that's why so many vehicles all jiuhu plates!

you tax individuals (employees, not msian or foreign employers), what are they going to do? they can only suck up and less money to spend

best time now to up the rates also and make sure they pay fines and charge more

govt can also make them pay more for HDB to make prices come down. u know a lot of these fuckers are speculating and finding ways to scam/skim singaporeans right?

What's wrong with making more money? u can keep makaning sinkies but cannot eat foreigners and PRs?

if they are really sincere and entrenched both should become Singaporeans, not 1 only

Govt only want to tax own citizens which is the low hanging fruit. Easy to collect fines and tax from meek singapore citizens.
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You revoke their wp ep sp inside yr computer now
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I say before le long time ago.

Msia pr sg couple if both don't convert to sg citizen within 2 years when ica offer own property in sg then revoke their pr become ep wp.
Then no give them long term pass no dependent pass also. Make 30days check in check out. 30 days window cannot come in sg, see who want employ them.
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Quote from: default on Jul 11, 2024, 07:55 PMactually hor i dont know why they dont want to look deeper into taxing foreigners esp certain nationalities like msian

isnt this the best time to tax them and charge them more for many things and heck their PR status?

u do it when u have leverage like right now when SGD is strong. u tax individuals not corporations what are they going to do? 1:3.5 is a lot

are they going to do it when it becomes 1:3 or worse?

all these taxes can change over time one. why they love jhk and jhb so much but come down so damn hard on locals?

can also charge indians or tiongs or whatever more

if jhk all dont want to convert to citizens, your money and their CPF are going to flow out eventually and they will keep gaming sg

isnt now the best time to tax them heavily then tax less when exchange becomes worse?

they got no where to run to for now, it's bao jiak. other than SG where else nearby can they make that much? no where else.

they need us more than we need them. our govt always slow people by a few steps one. people jump alr 10s lag then they jump. like on purpose want to aim sinkies only

Anwar's govt do what special economic zone and what shit, but limit sinkies a lot and their MM2H also make it totally not worthwhile for sinkies to go there

basically is let their citizens work here then feed their malay jlb govt

then die die dont let sinkies retire there and keep changing policies

u give out PR freely and come down so hard on SG citizens......... i tell u im paying a lot for income tax that i feel it's not worth it

its not just the malaysians, alot of other nationalities who come here leech on our PR system

but yes, they should be given a choice to make the moment they are PR for a certain no. of years, like take up citizenship or give up PR

but we all know they wont do that, cos these ppl are coming here to keep wages low yet making an impact on the economy... we are very dependent on low wages aka cheap labor
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mY wIfE iS a sEX oBjEct, eVerYtImE i aSk fOR seX, sHe ObjEcTs!


The govt have to pay every local citizen or those 10 years and above 800 dollars every month since they earned so much from foreigners.
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This country is hopeless even ministers keep reminding Singaporeans that foreigners are equal.

Now almost 6 million population. Only 40% are Singaporeans including new citizens. Cost of living and prices CONFIRM will keep going up 10% yearly.
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I hazard a guess why jhks are not tax etc perhaps there is an agreement with our neighbour: "you take our people in for work (we get money inflow from these people who work in SG too), and we keep our any potential political parties that will be hostile to SG Inc" this way SG Inc can continue to be a "sucessful shining beacon".
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