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My upstairs neighbor (continue from edmw)

Started by Magical Fingertip, Mar 04, 2024, 10:10 PM

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Magical Fingertip

My upstairs is family of Indian nationals with 2 kids. Every night  their kids will jump without fail.
I go up talk to them nicely they say not them they also heard sounds i dont believe but give them benefit of doubt
Then the noise got worse the thumping like consume drug and dance to techno every night mon to Sunday non stop
I thought they will auto will stop but no.
I finally  tbth go up fuck them for their buay zidong
Saw many shoes outside knn they hosting a party sibo
Bang on their door
A plump Indian auntie come answer the door smile smile
U know how the typical Indian auntie backstabber in the office look?
Yea there u go
She smile smile say they hosting a gathering
I give her the u think i blind is it cpt obvious look
I cannot tahan this inconsiderate family tell her u gathering your business but spare a thought for your neighbor keep the noise level down
 beh zidong this is not the first time i come
She say ok ok smile smile
I go back the jumping continue. She basically ignore me.
Days later the kids jumping got more aggressive
Limpeh buay lun anymore jitao opened my window and shouted can u ask your kids to stop jumping!!!!?? EVERYNIGHT LIKE THIS
BE CONSIDERATE i angry la but still got refrain from scolding vulgarities because I'm a classy highly educated person MBA from Habird.
I think they chua tio The jumping stopped immediately. I thought to myself still say not you u cheebye snake.
I got peace for a week  then the pattern started again.
Jump non stop at night.
This time ah beng inside of me took over my highly educated self
TV TAUGHT ME 忍无可忍无需再忍!!!!
Limpeh wear my favorite color underwear, wore my tight fit shirt comb my hair and went up except i didnt bring baseball bat cos i dont play baseball.
Ccb treat me like nothing is it? I bang at their door hard until i injured my fist. Walao sibei pain
I tell them this is not hech dee bee u want to jump fucking move to hech dee bee or i complain to the management since i already spoke to u numerous times but u prefer to act blur
The mother must have been shocked i see her face like she must have first time in her life  see a Singaporean ah beng.
Since then i have peace until then.
Some ppl u talk nicely to them no use one.
Cb snakes still try to smoke me say not them


Only money is real


If this was HWZ, this thread would have been deleted and TS be issued with 6 points by now.  8)

CheerS!!! ;)
Be Kind To Your Children. Don't Have Any.


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There are 2 proven method to deal with neighbors on top of your unit.
Number 1 is cigarette smoking. Give it to them day and night.
Number 2 is more expensive, install 2 units of aircon at the living room and on 24 hours. Make them suffer the condensation on their floor. See if their kids jump on the slipery floor.


Quote from: Aprandy on Mar 05, 2024, 07:21 AMThere are 2 proven method to deal with neighbors on top of your unit.
Number 1 is cigarette smoking. Give it to them day and night.
Number 2 is more expensive, install 2 units of aircon at the living room and on 24 hours. Make them suffer the condensation on their floor. See if their kids jump on the slipery floor.
aircon works for downstairs mainly.

Smoking or cooking curry works
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My new chaoz Indian (FT) neighbor really lived up to their reputation ..
Noisy, messed up the corridor with their usual non existent hse keeping habit, CB attitude n smelly as shit aroma..
Can arrange bulky delivery items at 11 pm n KPKB for 1 hr.
I jitao opened my door hard hard n abt to gan them 9696 but the security came and gan them first.🤭
Really the worst of the worst human breed ..Pui Pui Pui..


Quote from: GhostZM on Mar 05, 2024, 02:48 AMIf this was HWZ, this thread would have been deleted and TS be issued with 6 points by now.  8)

CheerS!!! ;)

Just why we all cum here liao😂


The problem is these people bring in their own behaviour and way of doing things in their own country to SG and expects SG to be the same like their country.
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Quote from: SBV7230 on Mar 05, 2024, 07:58 AMMy new chaoz Indian (FT) neighbor really lived up to their reputation ..
Noisy, messed up the corridor with their usual non existent hse keeping habit, CB attitude n smelly as shit aroma..
Can arrange bulky delivery items at 11 pm n KPKB for 1 hr.
I jitao opened my door hard hard n abt to gan them 9696 but the security came and gan them first.🤭
Really the worst of the worst human breed ..Pui Pui Pui..
In some parts of india still have caste system. They think they special and one cut above the rest when they are just like kampong kias to us.
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sg govt expect them to integrate with us

but the plan is we integrate to their culture  :'(

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