In February 2025, HDB will offer about 5,000 BTO flats in Kallang/Whampoa, Queenstown, Woodlands and Yishun and concurrently launch the largest-ever SBF exercise with more than 5,500 flats across various towns/estates1. In total, there will be more than 10,000 new flats on offer in February 2025. More details on the BTO and SBF exercise will be shared at the February 2025 sales exercise. of 4th Quarter 2024 Resale Price Index
5,500 flats enter SBF pool? so many peepur tio BTO, select flat riao then put downpayment then reject?
Or got so many 'reject' flats nobody select? eg, level 2.
By Mervyn btw from hwz
actually why dont they build some shit at second floor like multi purpose stuff and also those gathering places
not everyone wants to live on 2nd floor
let it start on 3rd or 4th floor
tbh if people dont like means dont like they die die want people to live on 2nd floor then waste the chances. sometimes i wonder if the lottery is really lottery random pick or they purposely do some demographics
like know u are of a certain income group, ethnic or what shit like get married old, buy flat old then purposely allocate u lower because u cant do shit as u got a baby on the way coz ure old or lower income or desperately need a flat
is it truly random?
ok la i know this means wasting space and blah blah
basically they only care about money. i also agree with wastage
but it's hard for me not to look at their policies like those helmed by jo teo and amy khor
how much ?? 1 or 2 million each?
SBF is expensive af anyway
and most of the units are at shitty levels
we even seen one, just beside the cb centralised chute
im going to try
moi 2nd timer but w/e rah
throw $10 in see how
Pay exorbitant prices for a 2nd floor bto located beside rubbish chute? Siao ah?
this cb sbf is for desperate ppl and those kumgong ones
balance means those buay kan units and they are more expensive cos its "ready" for move in
all the lousy unit location
who want buy lol
Quote from: Banned User on Jan 05, 2025, 10:43 PMPay exorbitant prices for a 2nd floor bto located beside rubbish chute? Siao ah?
naise smell