as per hwz. but i thought long ago already raised this
last time i tiagong people say got futsal? soccer courts
uggest to build hdb units below these spaces "landed hdb"
No la most can be used as futsal or small shops i guess. But retail is dying
Actually i remember reading abt this like 5 yrs ago or longer.
Just ask taylor swift perform there la. Or make it cool like those pasar malam
It will be dead once pap impose high rentals.
I suggest let it be communal spaces for people to trade or buy/sell their handicrafts or hobbies.
Good idea but not much can be tdone there.For chao peasants to breathe in the fumes there?
knn pinky and his cronies is really leave no stones unturned for more money
smlj also wanna explore, mrt stations cannot eat cannot drink but open so many f&b within it