as above..
Quote from: vezelover on Jul 30, 2024, 02:51 PMas above..
if nose politiks den it ish notch orphit
of coz have
If there's no politics, it's not an office, it's a playground! :flash:
Everywhere the same
got la. even when i try to be friendly will have people trying to stir shit
it's what humans do even if we try to be less toxic towards others
orpit politiks exist because the management allow it
everywhere got politics, it is just a matter of how bad it is
Either join a side if there's 2
Or be another new side the 3rd side.
Cant siam one.
Sit there do nothing no join side suffers the worst. Seen more than enough of these fence sitter being bullied by both sides
Quote from: jim889 on Jul 30, 2024, 04:27 PMif nose politiks den it ish notch orphit
No la i kena pawn by the 9% gst if not the shipping only few dollars
Actually this is the part where CECA excels. As long as you lower caste STFU, cannot politic above your betters.
Last time amdk and us also face this, as long as you noble or royal all the rest can STFU.
Come to think of it malay and indo sphere still sort of true about this. Just not as bad and not as obvious.